Color photograph of Marcia Washington growing up in Tallulah, Louisiana.
Black and white photograph of Dell Ray Rhodes from kindergarten school, mounted on a card addressed to her aunt and uncle. The card reads, "From, Dell Ray Gregory School Days = 1952-53, To Aunt + Uncle Mr + Mrs Willie Washington First year in kindergarten 5 years old."
Color photograph of Marzette Lewis (left), Anthony Marentic, and Dell Ray Rhodes in a Band Booster.
Black and white photograph of Anna Bailey dancing onstage in front of a piano player at the Paramount Theatre in New York City.
Black and white group photograph by Jay Walker of Anna Bailey with other entertainers, including Frank Sinatra, at the Dunes Hotel and Casino.
Color photograph of Marzette Lewis (right) with her daughter Tracy and Senator Joseph Neal.
Black and white group portrait photograph of the Charles I. West Middle School Band on the gym bleachers.
Color photograph of Marzette Lewis with band director Anthony Marentic in the gym.
Color photograph of Marzette Lewis and Anthony Marentic accepting a five hundred dollar donation to Charles I. West Middle School Band.
Black and white photograph of Marzette Lewis with principal Shirley Burbera and others displaying a donation check.