Scale 1:62,500 (W 115°15´--W 114°45´/N 36°30´--N 36°00´). 1 map : col. ; 58 x 70 cm. Series: Water-supply paper (Washington, D.C.) ; 1780. Relief shown by contours. Originally published as plate 6 of Available water supply of the Las Vegas ground-water basin, Nevada, by Glenn T. Malmberg, published by the Geological Survey in 1965 as its Water-supply paper 1780. Includes township and range lines. Interior, Geological Survey
Genre/Form: Thematic maps. Scale 1:62,500 (W 115°15´--W 114°45´/N 36°15´--N 36°00´). 1 map : col. ; 45 x 72 cm. Series: Water-supply paper (Washington, D.C.) ; 1780. Relief shown by contours. Originally published as plate 9 of Available water supply of the Las Vegas ground-water basin, Nevada, by Glenn T. Malmberg, published by the Geological Survey in 1965 as its Water-supply paper 1780. Includes township and range lines. Interior, Geological Survey
Genre/Form: Thematic maps. Scale 1:62,500 (W 115°15´--W 114°45´/N 36°15´--N 36°00´). 1 map : col. ; 44 x 72 cm. Series: Water-supply paper (Washington, D.C.) ; 1780. Relief shown by contours. Originally published as plate 10 of Available water supply of the Las Vegas ground-water basin, Nevada, by Glenn T. Malmberg, published by the Geological Survey in 1965 as its Water-supply paper 1780. Includes township and range lines. Interior, Geological Survey
Genre/Form: Thematic maps. Scale 1:62,500 (W 115°15´--W 114°45´/N 36°15´--N 36°00´). 1 map : col. ; 45 x 72 cm. Series: Water-supply paper (Washington, D.C.) ; 1780. Relief shown by contours. Originally published as plate 11 of Available water supply of the Las Vegas ground-water basin, Nevada, by Glenn T. Malmberg, published by the Geological Survey in 1965 as its Water-supply paper 1780. Includes township and range lines. Interior, Geological Survey
Genre/Form: Topographic maps. Scale 1:96,000 (W 115°30´--W 114°45´/N 36°30´--N 36°00´). 1 map ; 58 x 70 cm. Series: Water-supply paper (Washington, D.C.) ; 1780. Relief shown by contours. "After Smith, Vetter, Cummings, and others (1960, p. 34)." Originally published as plate 13 of Available water supply of the Las Vegas ground-water basin, Nevada, by Glenn T. Malmberg, published by the Geological Survey in 1965 as its Water-supply paper 1780. Includes township and range lines. Interior, Geological Survey
Genre/Form: Topographic map. Scale 1:96,000 (W 115°30´--W 114°45´/N 36°30´--N 36°00´). 1 map ; 58 x 70 cm. Series: Water-supply paper (Washington, D.C.) ; 1780. Relief shown by contours. "After C.R. Longwell (written communication, 1954, fig. 30)." Originally published as plate 12 of Available water supply of the Las Vegas ground-water basin, Nevada, by Glenn T. Malmberg, published by the Geological Survey in 1965 as its Water-supply paper 1780. Includes township and range lines. Interior, Geological Survey
Compiled and published for free distribution by the Department of Highways, Carson City, Nevada. Board of Directors: Governor E.P. Carville, Chairman; Gray Mashburn, Member; Henry Schmidt, Member; Robert A. Allen, State Highway Engineer. Nevada Department of Highways
'Prepared by Nevada State Highway Department, Planning Survey Division, in cooperation with U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration.' 'Copyright Nevada State Highway Department.' 'Transverse mercator projection. Mount Diablo base and meridian. 50,000 meter universal transverse mercator grid zone 11.' Insets of Reno-Sparks area, Las Vegas area, Lake Tahoe area. 29-H53/21:N41-1975.
Hand-drawn map of St. Thomas, Nevada (ca. 1914-1932) which was abandoned in 1933 due to the construction of Hoover Dam and is now covered by Lake Mead, as remembered by Merle Frehner (a former resident of St.Thomas). Buildings and residences on map are numbered and explained in a key. "Mormon plat assumed." Scale: 1 1/2 in. = 300 ft.
'Compiled by C.D. Baker, Civil Engineer, State Water Right Surveyor, Mineral Surveyor, Gen. Land Office, Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada. Oct. 1, 1940.' Yellow lines show boundary of the proposed water district; green lines show boundary of the city of Las Vegas; red line shows the Union Pacific Railroad route.