At top of map: 'Compliments of the Forward Mining Development Co.' On left and right margins: 'The Patrick Investment Company, Fiscal Agents.' At bottom of map: '19 Toltec Block, Denver, Colorado.' 'The Williamson-Haffner Co., Denver.' Relief shown by hachures. Properties owned by Patrick Investment Company are marked in red. Shows railroads, roads, and pipelines. Scale [ca. 1:39,000. 1 in. to approx. 3,250 feet].
'Elmer J. Chute, E.M. and Olmstead & Rich. U.S. Deputy Mineral Surveyors, 1907. Copyright 1907 by Elmer J. Chute, E.M., Goldfield, Nev.' Includes index Includes township and range grid. Scale [ca. 1:22,800. 1 in. to approx. 1900 feet]
'Compiled by C. A. Liddell, U.S. Mineral Surveyor, Tonopah, Nevada, from surveys by Sherwin, Giles and Liddell.' Published between 1908-1913? Scale [ca. 1:7,200]. 1 in. equals 600 feet. Map printed on linen.
At bottom right of map: 'C.D. Baker, A.R. Thompson.' Title in lower right corner: 'Map of Searchlight mining district: mineral patents, water rights.' Logo of Nevada Engineering Construction Service, Inc., Las Vegas, Nev. in lower right corner. Blueline print. Shows mineral patents and water rights. Nevada Engineering & Construction Service, Inc.
'Compiled and published by Booker & Bradford, engineers, Tonopah, Nevada.' 'Copyrighted by Booker & Bradford 1902.' 'Lith. Britton & Rey, S.F., Cal.' Relief shown by hachures. Includes insets of Ray Mining District, Nye County, Nevada, and Vicinity map of Tonopah Mining District, Nye County, Nevada. Includes advertisements and photographs of Tonopah ore, town of Tonopah, and of J.L. Butler, discoverer of the Mizpah Lode. Scale [ca. 1:7,200]. 1 inch to 600 feet. Mounted on linen.
'G. F. Becker, geologist-in-charge. Julius Bien & Co. lith. Mapping and geology by J. S. Curtis.' 'U.S. Geological Survey. Annual report 1883, pl. XXXIII.' Published by U.S. Geological Survey. Scale [ca. 1:2,400] 1 in.=200 feet. Library's copy has "Nev." printed in pencil in upper right corner.
Relief shown by landform drawings and spot heights. Oblique perspective map. Library's copy is missing lower left corner and piece in upper margin near left corner
In lower right corner: 'Copyrighed by Bradford & Bradford 1905.' Includes table of distances from Tonopah. Relief shown by hachures. Scale [ca. 1:15,600. 1 in. to approx. 1300 feet]. Library's copy has one section outlined in red pencil and 'Tonopah Victor' hand-printed on it in red pencil. Red pencil dots are on two other sections. '1905' and some illegible words written in pencil near title of map.
'Surveyed by S.K. Bradford, U.S. Deputy.' 'May Bradford, Draughtsman.' Includes locations of mines and their main shafts and drawings of the hoists of the Tonopah Extension, Golden Anchor and the Red Rock Consolidated. Scale [ca. 1:2,400] 1 in. to 200 feet.
'Compiled by James H. Parks, U.S. Deputy Min. Sur., Box 655, Goldfield, Nev. April 25, 1907.' 'Nevada Press Company, Carson City, Nevada.' Scale: [ca. 1:4,800] 1 inch = 400 ft. Plat map. Library's copy has notes handwritten in pencil along right margin with arrows to locations on map: "Ramsey Street ended Columbia St." "MacMaskrs office." "Lived on Euclid ave in adobe house." " Lived in Tent House Sundog Ave."