Scale 600 ft. to 1 inch. Relief shown by hachures. Shows buildings. Shows township and range grid. "Rec with Indian office letter June 10 1875. Copies sent to Sup. Gen. and R&R at Pioche Nevada August 9 1875" handwritten in blue ink on verso.
At bottom of map: 'Base compiled from plane-table sheets, topographic maps of U.S. Geological Survey, railroad alignments, and General Land Office data.' Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Shows township and range grid. Covers from southeast corner of White Pine County to Sloan and from Nye County border to Arizona-Utah border. Shows flowing wells, nonflowing wells, springs, flowing-well areas, dry holes and shore lines of ancient lakes. Scale 1:500,000 (W116°--W 114°/N 45°--N 36°). Series: Water-supply paper (Washington, D.C.), 365. Map is plate 1 from the U.S. Geological Survey water-supply paper 365.
'Compiled and issued by the Campbell Realty Company.' At top pf map: ' Greater Las Vegas.' Shows names of housing tracts and locations of hotels and motels on the Las Vegas Strip. Includes indexes and photographs of local recreation and attractions. Originally published by Campbell Realty distributed by Las Vegas Nevada Chamber of Commerce . Scale (ca. 1:39,000. 1 in. to approx. 3,250 ft.].
'This map compiled by General Drafting Service to show purchases in the Las Vegas area by Howard Hughes and others reported to be affiliated with him.' Shows land owned by Howard Hughes and land owned by Hughes Tool Company. Includes locations of casinos on Las Vegas Strip. Original publisher: General Drafting Service. Scale [ca. 1:48,000]. 1 in. to 4,000 feet. Hand-colored.
'Nevada Title Insurance Co. Compiled by Tyson Engineering Co. ... Las Vegas, Nevada. Drawn by A.A. Elliott, Jr.' Shows sewer, water, gas and power lines, water treatment facilities, steam plants, boundaries of the Las Vegas Valley Water District and the Clark County Sanitation District boundaries. Scale [ca. 1:63,360. 1 in. to approx. 1 mile].
Includes southwestern and southeastern United States and parts of the Caribbean islands. 'Nach den besten Hülfsmitteln in Mercators Projection entworfen und gezeichnet vom Pr.L. v. Stülpnagel. Gotha, bei J. Perthes, 1828.' Scale ca. 1:14,000,000 ; Mercator projection. Relief shown by hachures. Prime meridian: Washington, D.C. Inset: 'Umgeb d. Stadt Mexico in 4 fachen Maasstab [sic].' Hand colored. In upper right corner: 'Neue Ausgabe No. LVIII. Stielers Hand-Atlas (no.47b).' Includes index. Includes southern United States and part of West Indies. J. Perthes
'Dresseé par M. Lapie, Colonel d'Etat Major. Et M. Lapie fils Capitaine au même Corp. Paris, 1842. Chez P.C. Lehuby Libre. Rue de Seine No. 53.' Scale [ca. 1:9,504,000. 1 in. to approx. 15 miles]. Relief shown by hachures. Prime meridian: Paris. Hand colored. 'Atlas universel 44e'--Upper margin. Probably from P. Lapie and A.É. Lapie's Atlas universel de géographie ancienne et moderne. Inset map: Carte du Guatemala ou provinces-unies de L'Amérique Centrale. P.C. Lehuby