'Fairday Mine, Cactus Range, Nye Co., Nev. property map showing vein outcrops and underground surface, May 25, 1916.' Handwritten in lower left corner: 'Map property of A.H. Lee, care [of] Tonopah Club, Tonopah, Nev.' 'Scale 200' to the inch.' 'Silver oz. Gold value 1/9.'
'Numbers and black lines show locations of the principal mines, prospects and leases of Rawhide.' 'Compiled by Engraving Department of the Goldfield Review. Olmstead and Rich, Mining Engineers, Goldfield, Nevada.' At top of map: 'Compliments of the Goldfield Review, Nevada's leading mining paper.' Includes index. Published by Goldfield Review Press.
42 x 44 cm., folded to 22 x 14 cm. Title in upper-right margin: Greater Las Vegas. Copyright held by Robert E. Barringer. Includes index. Map is irregularly shaped. Original publisher: Redwood Publishing Co..
1 map in 21 sheets (14 plans, 7 profiles): col. ; 46 x 64 cm. Notes Relief shown by contours. Each sheet includes a key map. Surveys for individual sheets conducted 1919-23. Library has: Sheets I (2 copies), J, K, L, M, and N only. "Contour interval on land 50 feet." "Contour interval on river surface 5 feet." "Datum is mean sea level." "Mileage is measured from U. S. G. S. concrete gauge well opposite mouth of Paria River." "Topography by U. S. Reclamation Service." "Surveyed in 1919-23." Original publisher: U.S. Geological Survey, Scale: 1: 81,680.