Plan of additions and alterations to a typical tower floor of the Sands Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada. "Sheet number M10. Job 420. Scale: 1/4"=1'0. Drawn by KKSH. Job captain: D.G. Checked by D.G. Date: 8-3-1964. Revisions 8/14/64; 3/19/65; 5/7/65. Consultant: Hellman & Lober, Mechanical Engineers."
Site Name: Sands Hotel
Address: 3355 Las Vegas Boulevard South;
Plan for additions and alterations to water piping at the Sands Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada. Shows details of pumping systems. "Sheet number M22. Job 420. Scale as noted. Drawn by KKSH. Job captain: D.G. Checked by D.G. Date: 8-3-1964.Consultant: Hellman & Lober, Mechanical Engineers."
Site Name: Sands Hotel
Address: 3355 Las Vegas Boulevard South;
Plan for additions and alterations to the plumbing system at the Sands Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada"Sheet number P2. Job 420. Scale: 1"=50'-0". Revisions: 12-4-64; 2-26-65; 11-4-65. Consultant: Hellman & Lober, Mechanical Engineers."
Site Name: Sands Hotel
Address: 3355 Las Vegas Boulevard South;
Sections of various walls, entrances, windows, soffit, beam, and fascia at the Sands Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada. "Sheet number 56. Job number 420. Scale: 1/2" = 1'-0" except as noted. Drawn by R. Baud. Job Captain: Mas Tokubo. Date: August 3, 1964. Revisions: 8-14-64; 11-10-64."
Site Name: Sands Hotel
Address: 3355 Las Vegas Boulevard South;
Numerous details and sections of interior and exterior components at the Sands Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada. "Sheet number 57. Job number 420. Scale as shown. Drawn by R. Baud. Job Captain: Mas Tokubo. Date: August 3, 1964. Revisions: 8-14-64; 8-31-64; 10-27-64."
Site Name: Sands Hotel
Address: 3355 Las Vegas Boulevard South;
Exterior elevations for a ranch-style residential home in the Las Verdes Heights development in Las Vegas, Nevada. "Job no. 110." Elevation A shows front, rear, left and right side elevations; Elevations B and C show front elevation only.
Site Name: Las Verdes Heights
Drawings of exterior elevations A, B, C and D for the Rugar residence, Las Vegas, Nevada. "Sheet no. 8 of 20." "James Brooks McDaniel, A.I.A., Architect." "Job no. R62-1." "Drawn by J.M. Checked by J.Mc." "Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0"."
Site Name: Rugar residence
Detail drawings of additions to pavilion building and surrounding area, Zion National Park, Utah. Included are details of hardware trusses, exterior brackets and benches, interior and exterior signage, elevation of an interior newspaper rack, and a plot plan of the pavilion area, including cabins and a firepit. Scale as shown. "Dr. by P.R. Gage." "#15782-I. Sheet no. 9. Job no. 348. Date 1/4/26." "Rev. 3/2/26."
Site Name: Zion National Park (Utah)
West elevation, plan and section for machine shop at Zion National Park, Utah. Drawing No. 45581. "Drawn by G.L.W." "15797."
Site Name: Zion National Park (Utah)
Proposed exterior elevation of drama theater (later named the Judy Bayley Theatre) at Nevada Southern University, Las Vegas, Nevada (later the University of Nevada, Las Vegas).
Site Name: Nevada Southern University
Address: 4505 S. Maryland Parkway