A Formal dinner at the Hotel Astor in New York City, 1958. Wilbur Clark is located at the center of the picture, leaning his elbow on the table to the right. (Credit: Bill Mark, Park Sheraton Hotel, NYC.)
'Johnson's California, also Utah, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona, published by A.J. Johnson, New York.' 'Entered according to Act of Congress in the Year 1864, by A.J. Johnson in the Clerks Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York.' Atlas page numbers in upper margin: 66-67. Relief shown by hachures. Prime meridians: Greenwich and Washington, D.C. Shows proposed railroads, locations of Indian tribes, natural features, counties, mines, mail routes, trails and routes of exploring expeditions. On verso: History and statistics of Mexico and Central America and statistics of national finances and the Post Office of the United States, 1860. Scale [ca. 1:3,484,800. 1 in. to ca. 55 miles] (W 123°--W 103°/N 42°--N 32°)
The black and white view of Howard Hughes exiting his Lockheed 14 aircraft after performing the final landing on the Round the World flight at Floyd Bennett Airport, New York. Description printed on photograph's accompanying sheet of paper: "Telling the world about the record-smashing flight. New York City--Under the giant wing of the huge Lockheed plane, radio men set up their microphones so that Howard Hughes and his gallant crew of four can send a few words of greeting to the world over the air waves after landing at Floyd Bennett Field on their record-smashing flight around the world. Credit Line (ACME) 7/14/38"
An aerial view of a crowd consisting of thousands of people who attended a parade that celebrated Howard Hughes completion of his flight round-the-world flight in New York City.