View of guests at the swimming pool and patio area of the Thunderbird Hotel.
Site Name: Thunderbird Hotel
Address: 2755 Las Vegas Boulevard South
View of guests at the swimming pool and courtyard area of the Thunderbird Hotel.
Site Name: Thunderbird Hotel
Address: 2755 Las Vegas Boulevard South
View of the bar and lounge area in the Thundebird Hotel. Portraits of Native Americans line the wall behind the bar.
Site Name: Thunderbird Hotel
Address: 2755 Las Vegas Boulevard South
The façade of the Las Vegas Club after it moved to the north side of Fremont Street. The Silver Palace is seen in the background.
Site Name: Las Vegas Club
Address: 18 East Fremont Street
Daytime view of the neon signs, sculptures and marquee over the entrace to the Lucky Strike Club.
Site Name: Lucky Strike Club
Address: 177 East Fremont Street
nighttime view of the neon signs, sculptures and marquee over the entrace to the Lucky Strike Club.
Site Name: Lucky Strike Club
Address: 177 East Fremont Street
Daytime view of the front exterior of the Flamingo Hotel, featuring the Champagne Tower. The neon sign with the Flamingo name features circular neon 'bubbles' like those on the tower.
Site Name: Flamingo Hotel and Casino
Address: 3555 Las Vegas Boulevard South
View of the front exterior of the Flamingo Hotel at dusk, with the neon sign lit.
Site Name: Flamingo Hotel and Casino
Address: 3555 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Casino area in the Flamingo, with blackjack, roulette and craps tables and slot machines. Liquid damage to transparency noted.
Site Name: Flamingo Hotel and Casino
Address: 3555 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Daytime view of Fremont Street looking northwest toward the Union Pacific Railroad station. The Eldorado Club and Apache Hotel are seen at the northwest corner of Fremont and Second Streets, east of the the Boulder Club. Part of the Golden Nugget is seen on the southwest corner of Fremont and Second Streets east of the Frontier Club.
Site Name: Fremont Street
Address: Fremont street, Las Vegas, NV