Bureau of Reclamation Photographs of the Hoover Dam and Boulder City, Nevada
To request this item in person:
Collection Number: PH-00071 Collection Name: Bureau of Reclamation Photographs of the Hoover Dam and Boulder City, Nevada Box/Folder: Folder 08 (Restrictions apply)
Bureau of Reclamation Photographs of the Hoover Dam and Boulder City, Nevada
To request this item in person:
Collection Number: PH-00071 Collection Name: Bureau of Reclamation Photographs of the Hoover Dam and Boulder City, Nevada Box/Folder: Folder 07 (Restrictions apply)
'Johnson's California, also Utah, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona, published by A.J. Johnson, New York.' 'Entered according to Act of Congress in the Year 1864, by A.J. Johnson in the Clerks Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York.' Atlas page numbers in upper margin: 66-67. Relief shown by hachures. Prime meridians: Greenwich and Washington, D.C. Shows proposed railroads, locations of Indian tribes, natural features, counties, mines, mail routes, trails and routes of exploring expeditions. On verso: History and statistics of Mexico and Central America and statistics of national finances and the Post Office of the United States, 1860. Scale [ca. 1:3,484,800. 1 in. to ca. 55 miles] (W 123°--W 103°/N 42°--N 32°)
A color image of the House of Spirits liquor store, located in Carson City. The neon sign attached to the roof of the business shows a white ghost holding a black sign that reads "liquors" floating above another black and white sign that reads: "House of Spirits."
From the Harvey's Hotel and Casino Postcard Collection (PH-00367) -- Exterior view of the Bucket of Blood Saloon sign located in Virginia City, Nevada. Inscription with the image says, "This building, standing since 1876, is one of the most interesting buildings in the Old West."
A view of buildings in Boulder City, Nevada; the Boulder Theatre as well as the Boulder Cafe and neighboring souvenir and flower shops an be seen in the background.