From Union Pacific Railroad Collection (MS-00397). The scales are noted in the drawing. The bottom of the drawing says, "Material-Finish: All Finish Lumber Unless Otherwise Noted Shall Be [Opsas?] Wood Work Of Vault Shall Be O.P Rough. Exterior Of Privy Including Both Sides Of Door And Door Jamb: Also Wood Lattice Screen On All Sides Shall Be Painted With 3 Coats C.S. Lead & Oil Paint As Directed. Doors Shall Be Hung On 3 1/2" x 3 1/2" Botts. Doors Shall Be Provided With Rim Latch Knob Lock And Iron Barrel Bolt. Revisions: Added Vent Stacks, Seat Cover, Double Floor & Floor Shoe".
The bottom corner of the drawing states, "Union Pacific System L.A. & S.L.R.R. Double Privy 5'x8' With Lattice Screen. Ass't Chief Engineer's Office. Los Angeles, Calif. Drawn By E.C.B. Traced By E.C.B. Checked By F.W.G. Date June 14, 1926. Scale As Noted. Revised May 5. 1927. Drawing No. 15637".
Also written on the drawing: "Two to be built at East Yard, Calif. One ' ' Big Springs, Nev. ' ' Las Vegas, Nev. ' ' Borden, Utah. ' ' Elgin, Nev. 1927. ' ' Dry Lake, Nev. 1927. ' ' Wann ' ' 1928 [crossed out]."
Oral history interview with Dana Su Lee conducted by Stefani Evans, Vanessa Concepcion, and Cecilia Winchell on February 10, 2021 for Reflections: The Las Vegas Asian American and Pacific Islander Oral History Project.
Dana talks about her childhood growing up in California and her parents who were both born in China. She discusses her educational background and her move to Las Vegas with her husband in 1997. Dana also shares her various community and philanthropic pursuits related to education and the arts.
Subjects discussed include: Greg Lee; otherness; Nevada Women’s Philanthropy (NWP)
Archival Collection