Label on back: Hug-A-Vending Machine Week, November 3, 1982, Commissioner Ron Lurie, Raphel E. Vega, President-Nevada Vending & Amusement Association
Label on back: Purchase by Ron Lurie of First March of Dimes Christmas Tree Light - on display at Fashion Show Mall; November 17, 1982, Mary Coon, March of Dimes Executive Director, Commissioner Ron Lurie, Sally Brinkman
Label on back: Purchase by Ron Lurie of First March of Dimes Christmas Tree Light - on display at Fashion Show Mall; November 17, 1982, Mary Coon, March of Dimes Executive Director, Commissioner Ron Lurie, Sally Brinkman
Label on back: Meeting with Japanese officials regarding financing for high speed train, October 1, 1982 - Clockwise: Commissioner Ron Lurie, Yoshiro Hayashi, Member - House of Representatives, Mike Daly, Taiji Kohara, President of International Relations for Tokyo, Russ dorn, Bud James, Keefe Corp., and Commissioner Paul Christensen
Handwritten on back: Judge Seymore Brown & Commissioner Ron Lurie Presentation for Mexican Government, September 15, 1982
Note with photograph: This Material is Sent to You Courtesy of the Folks at McCarran International Airport (Las Vegas, Nev.), with business card from James J. Balk Community Relations Director; stamped Received September 22, 10:25AM, 1983