From the Nan Doughty Photograph Collection (PH-00240). Entrance to Pickhandle Gulch at left; Northern Belle loading bins and tailings are to its right and Northern Belle hill in center upper; railroad grade to Northern Belle can be seen diagonally up face of hill; at right, road connects with Main Street; stone building and Tarpey stone store to south and north of Main Street; ruins of Princess Mill foundations in center right.
From the Nan Doughty Photograph Collection (PH-00240). Back: Lou-Vee and Thorwald Siegfried; Front: Seymour Bradford holding one of the twins, unidentified man, Nanelia Siegfried, and Sallie J. L. Bradford holding another twin (identified from left to right).
From the Nan Doughty Photograph Collection (PH-00240). The mother of the goats provided milk for Mary Lou Siegfried while she was living with her grandfather, S. K. Bradford in Randsburg, California.
From the Nan Doughty Photograph Collection (PH-00240). Mrs. Adam, Victor Siegfried, Nanelia Doughty, Bina Williams, Jim Siegfried, Mary Lou Williams, and John Siegfried (identified from left to right).
From the Las Vegas Bugle Photograph Collection on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender History (PH-00336). Unidentified meeting at the Spotlight Lounge, c. 1998. See ID inside envelope. Typewritten insert in envelope descrives images not present: "unidentified meeting at the Spotlight Lounge [no. 19 Terry Galardi (long blonde hair), owner of the Backdoor Lounge; no. 20: Spotlight Lounge owner Jack Novick addressing the group; no. 21: the woman in left center, long dark hair, slightly out of focus, is Kaye Taylor, owner of the FreeZone; nos. 22-23, clockwise: Judy Nelson, owner of Las Vegas Eagle (blonde hair, blue jacket); Jack Novick, owner of the Spotlight Lounge (plaid shirt); John Smith, manager of Keys Lounge (to right of pillar, baseballl cap, white sweatshirt); Ralph Vandersnik, owner of Snick's Place (blue vest, white shirt, dark glasses); Terry Galardi, owner of the Backdoor Lounge (long blonde hair); Kaye Taylor, owner of FreeZozne (long dark hair, white sweatshirt); no. 24: Terry Galardi, owner of the Backdoor Lounge (long, blonde hair); no. 25: John Smith, manager of Keys Lounge (background) and Judy Nelson, owner of Las Vegas Eagle [7 images (duplicates)]"
From the Las Vegas Bugle Photograph Collection on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender History (PH-00336). Unidentified Spotlight Lounge bartender, c. 1998.
From the Ray W. Baldwin Photograph Collection (PH-00194) -- Buildings designed by architect Ray W. Baldwin, from 1939 to about 1958. Image one: Old gymnasium in Overton, Nevada. Image two: Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works (PWA), location unknown.