Text scroll of information about Bob Stupak and his relation to the Stratosphere Corporation; noting he is the only individual licensed as a controlling person as defined by Gaming Control Act; Bob's presentation was cancelled so this is how Stupak is communicating with the Board; Bob Stupak speaks directly to camera explaining his knowledge of the stock and financial situation; ends with information asking fellow shareholders and interested parties to contact the Board Original media VHS, color, aspect ratio 4 x 3, frame size 720 x 486. From the Bob Stupak Professional Papers (MS-01016) -- Professional papers -- Audiovisual material -- Digitized audiovisual clips file.
Short segment featuring behind a quck conversation with President Bill Clinton held after the President finished a round of golf with Michael Jordan and Brian Greenspun at the Las Vegas Country Club. The round ended after dark. Later part shows Stupak waiting in line and chatting with various people. Original media VHS, color, aspect ratio 4 x 3, frame size 720 x 486. From the Bob Stupak Professional Papers (MS-01016) -- Professional papers -- Audiovisual material -- Digitized audiovisual clips file.
Local news anchors discuss the opening of the Venetian casino/hotel; interview clips with guests of note at the opening gala including Bob Stupak, Gary Primm, Linda Hamilton, Sophia Loren, Si Redd, David Thompson; costumed staff interact with guests throughout the casino floor while guests dine and talk with one another; interior shots of casino decor. Original media VHS, color, aspect ratio 4 x 3, frame size 720 x 486. From the Bob Stupak Professional Papers (MS-01016) -- Professional papers -- Audiovisual material -- Digitized audiovisual clips file.
Local news anchors discuss "Stupak the Game", a response to Donald Trump's similar game; anchors display the game box and discuss Bob Stupak's history with Trump and briefly explain the game; the scandal involving his daughter's political campaign. Original media VHS, color, aspect ratio 4 x 3, frame size 720 x 486. From the Bob Stupak Professional Papers (MS-01016) -- Professional papers -- Audiovisual material -- Digitized audiovisual clips file.
"High Rollers" interview with Bob Stupak. Stupak talks about placing his early days of gambling bets as a kid, and acumulating a bankroll; @10:56 tells about his money-making ways when in the US Army; which aside from playing dice craps, included loaning money with interest and raffling items; @16:36 Stupak recounts about his first visit to Las Vegas in 1965; @19:38 when Stupak tells of taking up residence in Las Vegas. Audio is very poor throughout. Original media VHS, color, aspect ratio 4 x 3, frame size 720 x 486. From the Bob Stupak Professional Papers (MS-01016) -- Professional papers -- Audiovisual material -- Digitized audiovisual material file.
Bob Stupak stands at podium next to visual aids during city planning commission meeting's ruling on the "Belly of the Beast" addition to the Stratosphere Tower; commission asks questions of Stupak regarding the aesthetic/additive value of the proposed ride; audio quality is poor. Original media VHS, color, aspect ratio 4 x 3, frame size 720 x 486. From the Bob Stupak Professional Papers (MS-01016) -- Professional papers -- Audiovisual material -- Digitized audiovisual clips file.
Text introduces "Bob Stupak's Vegas World introduces the new table game "Casino Poker" where players can play poker against the casino, not other players" and note the gaming authority has approved it for a field test at Vegas World; news conference with David Sklanksy, Puggy Pearson, Doyle Brunson, Sailor Roberts, and Johnny Moss (all World Poker Champions); David Sklansky narrates over the casino poker game, summary text appears on screen. Original media VHS, color, aspect ratio 4 x 3, frame size 720 x 486. From the Bob Stupak Professional Papers (MS-01016) -- Professional papers -- Audiovisual material -- Digitized audiovisual clips file.
News coverage: Bob Stupak's attempt to cash $250,000 worth of casino chips from Binion's Horseshoe is appealed by the Horshoe, which suggests that Stupak's chips may be fake. Original media VHS, color, aspect ratio 4 x 3, frame size 720 x 486. From the Bob Stupak Professional Papers (MS-01016) -- Professional papers -- Audiovisual material -- Digitized audiovisual clips file.
News report about a law prohibiting casinos from advertising prizes and contests in television commercials that was overturned by a federal judge. Original media VHS, color, aspect ratio 4 x 3, frame size 720 x 486. From the Bob Stupak Professional Papers (MS-01016) -- Professional papers -- Audiovisual material -- Digitized audiovisual clips file.
Nevada Week in Review with host Claudia Collins. The week's top news stories are discussed by a panel of journalists (Scott Andrus, Penny Levin, John L. Smith, and Eric Spillman). Topics include the gaming community and UNLV athletics. Director Kip Patterson. Production date October 12, 1990. Air date October 13, 1990. KLVX Television, Las Vegas, Nevada. Original media VHS, color, aspect ratio 4 x 3, frame size 720 x 486. From the Bob Stupak Professional Papers (MS-01016) -- Professional papers -- Audiovisual material -- Digitized audiovisual clips file.