Members of Southern Nevada 4-H Foundation were among representatives of a state delegation reviewing ways to raise funds to assist in the youth education program, North Las Vegas, Nevada, January 30, 1978. Seated, from left, Dick Carlson, Nevada State Bank, State Chairman; Dean Shanks, Youth Affairs Administrator. Standing: Ev Pollard and Bill Gries, Department of Energy (D.O.E.).
The Pee Wee "Scorpions" Little League baseball team and their coach, North Las Vegas, Nevada, July 23, 1975. Front row, left to right: Paul Hartzell, Bruce Sudweeks, Rene Viellada, Mark Royal, Reeves. Second row, left to right: Danne Barbicoa, Kevin Suarez, Mike Franklin, David Rivas. Back row, left to right: Coach Hall, Randy Hall, Mike Allen, Troy Arnold, Coach Robert Cobb.
The Pee Wee "Coyotes" Little League baseball team, North Las Vegas, Nevada, May 28, 1975. Front row, left to right: Warren Hampton, Anthony Richardson, Ricky Finkler, Randy Smith, Jerry Pennell, David McDonald, Tommy Pennell, Trevor Pennell. Back row, left to right: Ignatio Navarez, Freddie McGowan, Dennis [LeChase], Shawn [Leake], Jerome Hill, Brian Smith, Coach Don Pennell.
The Little League "Sundevils" baseball team, North Las Vegas, Nevada, July 11, 1975. Front row, left to right: Larry Urbaniah, Duane Maze, Darren Brown, Thomas Clayton, Robert Schultz, Herbert Grosburger, Warren Chang, James Clayton (bat boy). Back row, left to right: Coach Charlie White, Chuck Jarvis, Gavin Nelson, Marcus White, Todd Peterson, Flemister[?] Rodgers, Coach Norm Peterson.
The Midget "Braves"Little League baseball team, North Las Vegas, July 10, 1975. The jerseys say Shitakis Bene. Front row, left to right: Greg Sugmiller[?], Prentis Buford, James Dixon, Roosevelt Jackson, Wayne Funderbark[?], Randy Jackson, Jeffrey Marshall, Dion Ned, Lewis Buford (bat boy). Back row, left to right: Coach Jimmy L. Brimmer, Kenny Williams, Darryl Franklin, John Rhodes, Darren Barnes, Allen Cauble[?], Coach James H. Smith.
The Pee Wee "Giants" Little League baseball team, North Las Vegas, Nevada, July 28, 1975. Front row, left to right: Loren Wolfe, Norman Medina, Richard Seech, Randall Seech, Mark Leake. Second row, left to right: Roger Norton, Jimmy Jungblut, Brian [Guellar], Steve Pervis. Third row, left to right: Max Odell, Donny Grimes, Joey Wittle, Brian [Hawley]. Fourth row, left to right: Coach Dale Pervis, Coach Walt Jungblut, Coach Richard Jasso.
The Midget "Wolverines" Little League baseball team, North Las Vegas, Nevada, July 16, 1975. First row, left to right: Bobby Badgett, Jeff [Havin], Mario Martinez, Flavio Villeda, Rodney Brodway. Second row, left to right: Damon [Sinyard], Brian Bain, John Garcia, Donnie Mojado, Renzo [Cassilas]. Back row, left to right: Coach Dan Mojado, Ricky Green, Max Martinez, Vincent Zuniga, Coach Carolyn Mojado.
The "Tigers" Little League baseball team, North Las Vegas, Nevada, July 18, 1975. Front row, left to right: Lennett Namelly[?], John Randolph, Ricky Carson, Phillip Collins, Darryl Jamerson[?]. Second row, left to right: Micahel Gommage, Larry Sanders, Reggie Scott, Road[?] Williams, Charlies Silas Jr. Back row, left to right: Coach Green, Darryl Simmons, Alvin Butler, Charlie Smith Jr., Coach Ernie Lathon[?]
Description provided with image: "Lieutenant Governor Harry Reid was honored guest at the North Las Vegas Emblem Club banquet commemorating Emblem Club Week. (Membership in Emblem Clubs belongs to female relatives of B.P.O.E.-Elks-members.) L-R: Mrs. Cid Nay, Mrs. Harry Reid, Harry Reid, Mrs. Eugene Hammer, Mrs. Bunny Harris, and Mrs. Paul May. (9-14-72)."
Description provided with image: "Lloyd Simpson, left, (Student Body President of J. D. Smith Mr. High School) turns over check for $57.47 to Lee Olds, Special Activities Chairman for North Las Vegas March of Dimes. (2-28-63) Hal Fincher (center) is principal of J. D. Smith Junior High. This was during the March of Dimes drive in North Las Vegas. (Montrose Photos, North Las Vegas)."