Color image of protesters at an anti-nuclear testing demonstration held in the Nevada desert that was organized by Greenpeace, American Peace Test, and a Shoshone Indians advocate group.
Color image of protesters at an anti-nuclear testing demonstration held in the Nevada desert that was organized by Greenpeace, American Peace Test, and a Shoshone Indians advocate group.
Color image of protesters at an anti-nuclear testing demonstration held in the Nevada desert that was organized by Greenpeace, American Peace Test, and a Shoshone Indians advocate group.
Color image of a large group of protesters at an anti-nuclear testing demonstration organized by Greenpeace, American Peace Test, and a Shoshone Indians advocate group.
Color image of a large group of protesters at an anti-nuclear testing demonstration organized by Greenpeace, American Peace Test, and a Shoshone Indians advocate group.
Color image of a Franciscan affinity group of protesters at a Greenpeace demonstration against nuclear testing. Some are carrying a sign that reads, "Nevada Semipalatinsk antinuclear movement."
Color image of Sister Klaryta Antoszewska sitting on the ground in the Nevada desert during a demonstration against nuclear testing organized by the Lenten Desert Experience (also called the Nevada Desert Experience).
Color image of protesters with the Lenten Desert Experience (also called the Nevada Desert Experience), a group demonstrating against nuclear testing, gathered together at a makeshift altar in the Nevada desert.
Color image of a group of protesters (perhaps dancing) at a Park-n-Ride lot preparing for an anti-nuclear testing demonstration organized by Lenten Desert Experience (also called Nevada Desert Experience) in the Nevada desert.
Color image of protesters at a Park-n-Ride lot preparing for an anti-nuclear testing demonstration organized by Lenten Desert Experience (also called Nevada Desert Experience) in the Nevada desert.