The WM-11 Nevada Nuclear Waste Storage Investigations (NNWSI) State of Nevada series (1977-1986) contains technical reports, meeting agendas and minutes, Department of Energy (DOE) research briefings, and correspondence. The collection includes materials related to Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and DOE pre-licensing activities regarding disposal of high-level nuclear waste in accordance with the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 and NRC reviews of site-by-site implementation of the DOE’s programs in accordance with the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of 1978. Materials also include NRC and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) correspondence regarding high-level waste standards, NRC topical reports reviews and related correspondence, and correspondence from citizens and non-government organizations pertaining to the above topics. See the LPDR User’s Guide available in Series I for a more detailed explanation on how to find documents.
Archival Component
This set contains drawings for: Holding's Little America (client); Little America Refining Co. (client); and Tucson Arizona Department of Public Works (client). This set includes drawings by: Valcon, Inc. (engineers), Alvin J. Hotz Jr (engineer) and Cohen, Lebovich, Pascoe, and Associates (engineer).
This set includes: grading plans, site surveys, lighting fixture schedules, lighting site plans, electrical plans, lighting plans, power plans, electrical schematics, and isometric construction details
Archival Component