A mushroom cloud rises from the desert floor at the Nevada Test Site. The nuclear test, named DeBaca, was a balloon burst fired in October 1958. (All Nuclear Test Site weapons tests have been underground since July 1962.)
Protestors at the Nevada Test Site. Pictured in the center is, O. Suleĭmenov, the Kazakh poet and leader of Nevada Semipalatinsk Movement, circa 1980-1999.
Protestors at the Nevada Test Site. Pictured on the left is, O. Suleĭmenov, the Kazakh poet and leader of Nevada Semipalatinsk Movement, circa 1980-1999.
Protestors at the Nevada Test Site circa 1980-1999. Woman with ceramic object appears to be performing a ritual. For similar images see pho006409 and pho006439.