From Union Pacific Railroad Collection (MS-00397). The scales are noted in the drawing. The bottom corner of the drawing states, "Union Pacific System L.A. & S.L.R.R. Co. Standard Coal House For Section Quarters. Type-A. Ass't Chief Engineer's Office, Los Angeles, Calif. Drawn By W.V.L-B. Traced By W.B.L-B. Checked By F.W.G. Date Nov 8, 1923. Scales As Noted. Revised Nov. 19, 1926. Drawing No. 15119".
Also written on the drawing: "Built at: Cima, Cal. 1925, Brant ' ', Hayden ' ', Moore ' ', Jean, Nev. '. To be built at Elora, Calif. 1926, Desert ' ', Roach, Nev, '. To be built at Las Vegas, Nev., Dry Lake ', Moapa ', Modena, Utah, Lund ', Milford ', Islen, Nev. 1928 [crossed out, Wann ' [crossed out]."
From Union Pacific Railroad Collection (MS-00397). The scales are noted in the drawing. The drawing shows the First Floor and Basement Plans. The bottom corner says "Union Pacific System. L.A. & S.L.R.R. Hotel & Passenger Station At Caliente, Nevada. John Parkinson & Donald B. Parkinson Architects. 420 Title Insurance BLDG., Los Angeles. Cal. Drawn L.W.F. Checked. Traced L.W.F. Date 2-25-22. Scale 1/8" = 1'0". Job 162. Sheet 1. Revised 2-28-22. 5-4-22."
From Union Pacific Railroad Collection (MS-00397). The drawing shows the roof and second floor plans. Scales are noted on drawing. The bottom corner says "Union Pacific System. L.A. & S.L.R.R. Hotel & Passenger Station At Caliente, Nevada. John Parkinson & Donald B. Parkinson Architects. 420 Title Insurance Bldg., Los Angeles. Cal. Drawn R.D.M. Checked S.S.S. Traced R.D.M. Date 2-25-22. Scale 1/8" = 1'0". Job 162. Sheet 2. Revised 3-31-22. 4-25-22. 5-4-22."
The Evan and Kathy Thompson Photograph Collection depicts Beatty, Nevada, Rhyolite, Nevada, and Keane Wonder Mine, California around 1925. The photographs include the Rhyolite Bottle House, mining operations in Rhyolite and Keane Wonder Mine, and citizens of Rhyolite.
Archival Collection
The James Reece Photographs of El Rancho Vegas depict the Las Vegas Strip's first hotel, El Rancho Vegas, in Las Vegas, Nevada, from approximately 1950 to 1962. The photographs depict a craps table and its operators, owner Beldon Katleman with Eleanor Roosevelt, the hotel's exterior, and military servicemen photographed with one of El Rancho's entertainers, Yvette Dare.
Archival Collection