View at Colorado River area near Hoover Dam site. Photographer W.A. Davis disagrees with the identification. He says, "Hills west (10 miles) of Las Vegas, Charleston range in background. Petroglyphs on the rocks, Rocks are red and yellow."
Two views of the assembled guests present for the dedicatory prayer of the Hoover Dam construction site.
Transcribed Notes: Transcribed from the back of Photo 1: "Dedicatiary (sic) site of Boulder Dam, 1-r, 4- Mrs. Thomas, 5- Art Ham Sr., 6- Bess Pembroke (white hat), 7- Ata Ham (lt. tweed coat), 8- Nana Lightfoot, 9- Mrs. Minetti, 10- Mrs. Martin, 1st row- far right Harley Harmon." Transcribed from facsimile accompanying Photo 2: "Prayer; dedication of damsite (sic), r-1, 6- Nellie Martin, 7- Bess Pembroke, 8- "Nana" Lightfoot, 9- Roy Martin, 10- Art Ham, Sr."