'Topography by Lee Morrison. Control by U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Surveyed in 1934.' Relief shown by contours and spot heights. 'Arrowhead Canyon Dam and reservoir site' hand-written on map. Map is part of a larger map and has been taped to a manila envelope sent from the Agricultural Administration to J.H. Wittwer on Sept. 25, 1939. Map has hand-drawn township and range lines and handwritten numbers. Verso has a hand-drawn map, calculations, and hand-written notes. U.S. Geological Survey
Scale [ca. 1:144,000. 1 in. to approx. 12,000 ft.] ; 1 map : col. ; 51 x 91 cm ; Relief shown by contours and spot heights ; "Map no. 23800" ; Includes township and range grid ; Includes two profile diagrams, area and capacity curve diagram, Topography of Black Canyon and vicinity map and Colorado River basin map. Inset maps of Black Canyon and vicinity and Colorado River Basin. Inset charts of Boulder Canyon Reservoir Area and Capacity Curves; and, Profile of Colorado River from Bridge Canyon Dam Site, Arizona to Black Canyon Dam Site, Arizona-Nevada. Bureau of Reclamation.
Scale [1:84,269. 1 in. to 1 1/3 miles] ; 1 map : col. ; 57 x 50 cm. on sheet 89 x 59 cm ; Cadastral map ; Gives definition of township, section and acre ; Relief shown by form lines and spot heights ; Shows private land, land classified for small tracts, leased land, vacant Federal land, section numbers, number of acres in each homesite and purchase price of tract ; "From your Congressman Cliff Young."--stamped on map ; Southern Nevada Home-Siters
'United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey. Professional paper 712-C, plate 3.' 'Prepared on behalf of the Atomic Energy Commission.' 'Base from U.S. Geological Survey Caliente, Death Valley, Goldfield, and Las Vegas, 1954.' 'Hydrochemistry by I. J. Winograd, 1965.' 'Interior--Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia--1975.' Relief shown by contours. Contour interval 200 feet. Shows township and range lines. Scale 1:250,000 (W 117°--W 115°/N 38°--N 36°). Series: Professional paper (Geological Survey (U.S.)) 712-C. Issued as plate 3 from U.S. Geological Survey professional paper 712-C, Hydrogeologic and hydrochemical framework, south-central Great Basin, Nevada-California, with special reference to the Nevada Test Site, by I.J. Winograd, and William Thordarson, published in 1975 by the U.S. Geological Survey.
Site plan of the existing structure and additions to the Mather residence in Las Vegas, Nevada, including floor plans and details for a garage and additional bedroom. Included are the garage floor plan, drawings of the front exterior and entry elevations, and details for a skylight and the patio ceiling. "Date: 14 Oct. 1975, revisions: 15 Oct. 1975." Site Name: Mather residence Address: 2800 Cowan Circle;