Aerial photograph of downtown Las Vegas, Nevada looking northeast towards Frenchman and Sunrise Mountains. The Overland Hotel, Golden Gate, Silver Palace, Hotel Fremont, The Mint, Silver Palace, Las Vegas Club, and Horseshoe Club on Fremont Street are visible in the center. The Union Pacific Railroad Station (curved Art Deco building) and tracks are in the bottom left of photo.
The famous map of Bullfrog Mining District, designed by T.G. Nicklin, editor Of the Bullfrog Miner, Beatty, Nevada, shortly after the founding of the town of Beatty. This particular copy was distributed by the Exchange Club, probably During the 1950s. The town of Beatty is featured at the Bullfrog's heart. (Courtesy of Claudia Reidhead, Beatty, Nevada.) The Bullfrog Miner was published betweeen April 8, 1905-July 1909.
A portion of a map of the state of Nevada published by the Clason Map Co., Denver, Colorado, copyrighted 1906. Note the routes of the railroads in the southern Nevada area, including the Las Vegas and Tonopah Railroad linking the small community of Las Vegas with Beatty; (More information on the map is contained on the photo board.) (Courtesy, Central Nevada Museum, Tonopah, Nevada.)
A portion of a map produced by the Automobile Club of Southern California During the early 1920s. The map was of San Bernardino County, California; this portion of the map shows roads and railroads and communities in the Barstow, California, area. Of particular interest is the railroad linking Tonopah and Tide Water Railroad with the Santa Fe tracks at Ludlow, California, and the stops on the T&T between Ludlow and Riggs, north of Silver Lake, California. (Courtesy of Claudia Reidhead, Beatty, Nevada.)
A map of Southern California and Southwestern Nevada prepared by the map department of the Automobile Club of Southern California, 1906. This map shows the development of roads, railroads, and communites in the Southcentral Nevada and Death Valley areas. This map seems to be identical to that pictured in 0734 of this collection, although this photograph provides more Coverage of the Mojave Desert area. Note the many springs listed in the south Central Nevada area. (Courtesy of Claudia Reidhead, Beatty, Nevada.)
A portion of a map of the state of California produced by the Automobile Club Of Southern California, early 1920s. This portion provides a view of the major roads in the Beatty-Pahrump region of Nevada. (Courtesy of Claudia Reidhead, Beatty, Nevada.)
Pat McCarran with Harold Stocker in Las Vegas, Nevada Ca. 1933-1954. The photo is signed, "To my friend Harold Stocker with best wishes, Pat McCarran, U.S. Sentor, Nev."