The Nevada Statehood Commemorative U.S. Postage Stamps and Coin collection contains one sheet of the 1964 Nevada Statehood Centennial Stamp, printed from plate number 27798, and one proof copy of the 1964 Nevada Centennial Medallion.
The Hyman Gold Papers (1935-2004) primarily document the career of Las Vegas, Nevada performer Hyman Gold, and consist of newspaper clippings from various engagements, correspondence, and fliers. Materials also include handwritten musical scores and reel to reel tapes, both from his personal and professional life.
Materials in this collection (1969-1989) document various endeavors of the Operation Life organization. They include original correspondence, meeting minutes, news clippings, medical programs, grant applications, legal and financial documents, brochures and pamphlets, and other materials that provide context on the kinds of services provided by Operation Life. These files were kept by Jack Anderson in the course of his work as attorney for Operation Life.
The Paul May Photograph Collection (1969) consists of black-and-white and color photographic prints. The images primarily depict Nevada Assemblyman Paul May alongside Nevadan senators and congressmen, including Senator Paul Laxalt. Other images are portraits of May.