A shack house in West Las Vegas, located at 1421 H Street. The photograph was taken by Henry Elder, City Building Inspector, October, 1957. Refer to photo #0310 0058 (pho017999) for an aerial view of the area.
Black and white image of three of the Bluebell Girls (L-R) Susan Cartwright, Penny Parfitt, Valda Boyne Esau, at Stardust Hotel in Le Lido De Paris (Prologue of C'Est Magnifique).
Black and white image of (L-R): Louis Folco (costume designer), Valda Boyne Esau (dancer), and Emily Warren (head wardrobe mistress) in third Lido show at the Stardust Hotel. The costume depicted was for the Tyrol dance number.
Black and white image of (L-R): Tommy McDonald, Gaby Whitaker, Valda Boyne Esau, and Howard Capps (DI golf pro) burying a time capsule at the Stardust Golf Course opeining.
An unidentified young Indian boy with a puppy in a watering can. The photograph was most likely taken at Manse Ranch. This is the same boy as in Image ID: 0096 0006.