2nd annual Gay Pride parade 1998 at Sunset Park. Photographer: Dennis McBride. Liberty Realty float (Ron Guerrero kneeling; female impersonator seated on the hood). 4-25-98
From the Dennis McBride Collection on LGBTQ Las Vegas, Nevada (MS-00802) -- Alphabetical research files -- AIDS: Organizations: Aid for AIDS of Nevada (AFAN) file.
From the Dennis McBride Photograph Collection (PH-00263) -- LGBTQ+ events and organizations in Las Vegas, Nevada -- Digital images file. Notes from the donor, Dennis McBride: This rally was called at the Center to celebrate the Supreme Court of the United States' overturning of the federal Defense of Marriage Act [DOMA] on June 26, 2013. … For a detailed description of this rally, see Dennis McBride journal entry for July 2, 2013. Individuals identified by the donor, Dennis McBride: the man in the maroon shirt and hat in the background is entertainer Richard Powell [d. October 29, 2021 (gay)]; in the red shirt is African American female impersonator Larry Edwards [gay]; the man in background in the sleeveless t-shirt is Latino newsman Chris Saldaña [gay]