Two versions of an interview with Gary Rosenthal with Esther Finder. Mr. Rosenthal discusses his family's journey to the United States, and his career as an electrical engineer.
Moving Image
Correspondence, meeting minutes, and other records for the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas, Nevada.
A resume and various campaign materials for Ron P. Lurie of Las Vegas, Nevada.
Mixed Content
Correspondence and campaign materials for Marvin Sedway's political run in the Nevada Assembly between 1982-1990.
Various campaign materials, including a facts sheet and fliers, for Herb Tobman of Las Vegas, Nevada.
The University of Nevada, Las Vegas' (UNLV) Children's Theatre company program and performance photos of the production "Our Town."
Various photographs of Len Hornsby, Rochelle Hornsby, and others in Las Vegas, Nevada.
A campaign brochure and various campaign documents for Renee Diamond's run in the Nevada Assembly.
Research and analysis study proposal of the lost Equal Rights Amendment's (ERA) referendum election by Renee M. Rampton.
Personal photographs of Renee Diamond and other politicians.