John F. Kennedy (3rd from right) stands with political supporters during an event in his campaign. Dorothy Dorothy can be seen behind JFK's right shoulder.
Dorothy Dorothy (right) and Margaret Moore (left) planning the 17th annual Powder Puff Derby for the flying organization, the 99's, July 1963. The folders say that the event lasts from July 13th-17th.
Exterior of Beckley's Men's Store. Sign reads "Beckley's Men's Wear. Men's Clothing. Furnishings & Shoes. Mens &Ladies Phoenix Hosiery. Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes. Stetson Hats Florsheim & Walk-Over Shoes. Est. 1908" and "Beckley's Third Annual Sale Now On: 10 Days Only $40,000 Stock Sacrificed"
Black and white image of three of the Bluebell Girls (L-R) Susan Cartwright, Penny Parfitt, Valda Boyne Esau, at Stardust Hotel in Le Lido De Paris (Prologue of C'Est Magnifique).
Black and white image of (L-R): Louis Folco (costume designer), Valda Boyne Esau (dancer), and Emily Warren (head wardrobe mistress) in third Lido show at the Stardust Hotel. The costume depicted was for the Tyrol dance number.
Black and white image of (L-R): Tommy McDonald, Gaby Whitaker, Valda Boyne Esau, and Howard Capps (DI golf pro) burying a time capsule at the Stardust Golf Course opeining.
From the UNLV Libraries Single Item Accession Photograph Collection (PH-00171). View of racetrack (racetrack at bottom right corner), soon after the LVCC was built.