From Harvey's Hotel and Casino Postcard Collection (PH-00367). The Sands marquee is advertising Alan King, Florence Henderson, Della Reese, and Sonny King.
The backside to one of the additions to the old fort in Las Vegas, Nevada. From left to right: Henry Wieking, ?, Henry Wieking's mother, and Mrs. Christie.
The official team photo of the Las Vegas High School Rhythmettes at the beginning of the 1955-56 season. Shown, from left to right (standing), are: Kathy Bergino, Carmen Ruggeroli, Kay Bollig, Nancy Blacker, Dee Trumble, Dorothy Damrow, Terry Jeffers, Marie Demetrops, Evelyn Lingo, and Ann Davis. Shown, from left to right (kneeling), are: Marilyn Wilber, Geraldine Thornton, Marilyn Reynolds, Margaret Ostler, Carol Ronnow and Donna Williams. Another member who is not shown is Cheryl Hoffman.
A showgirl poses backstage wearing a tall, feathered headdress and a costume with flowers and fringed with long ribbons. Site Name: Dunes (hotel and casino)