If the bond issue failed, the public might try and force the railroad to increase water production, so the company should consider transferring all water production to the Las Vegas Land and Water Company who was in a better position to resist "unreasonable demands." "Copy" and "80-12" written in red pencil. Letter has several date stamps: E.E.B., E.C.R. and U.P. R.R. Co., Los Angeles.
Senator McCarran states he will introduce two right-of-way bills and warns the language of the bills may be considered too broad by the Senate committee.
From the Syphus-Bunker Papers (MS-00169). The folder contains an original handwritten letter, an envelope, a typed transcription of the same letter, and a copy of original letter attached.
City of Las Vegas, Nevada general plan, draft copy.
From the introduction: "This is a document of policies. These policies are in the form of recommendations to the City of Las Vegas for planning policies in the areas of: Population and Economic Development, Land Use, Housing, Community Facilities, Conservation, Transportation, Parks and Recreation, Visual Environment, Implementation."