Entrance to the Fremont Theatre with several advertisements for "Some Like It Hot" above and surrounding the doorway. Sign above the door reads: "Marilyn Monroe and her bosom companions Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon 'Some Like It Hot.'" Site Name: Fremont Theatre (Las Vegas, Nev.)
Entrance to the Fremont Theatre with several advertisements for "Some Like It Hot" above and surrounding the doorway. Signs read: "Marilyn Monroe and her bosom companions Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon 'Some Like It Hot.'" Also shows posters on the doors. Site Name: Fremont Theatre (Las Vegas, Nev.)
The marquee reads: "'Emergo' Puts You In The 'House on Haunted Hill,' also 'Cosmic Man;'" and "Emergo Thrills Fly At You." Site Name: Fremont Theatre (Las Vegas, Nev.)
The marquee reads: "'Emergo' Puts You In The 'House on Haunted Hill' also 'Cosmic Man,'" "Emergo Thrills Fly At You,'" and "'Emergo' Puts You In The 'House on Haunted Hill' also 'Cosmic Man.'" Site Name: Fremont Theatre (Las Vegas, Nev.)
The exterior of the Guild Theatre advertising Stanley Kubrick's "Spartacus" starring Kirk Douglas, Chas Laughton, Laurence Olivier, Peter Ustinov, Jean Simmons, and Tony Curtis. Site Name: Guild Theatre (Las Vegas, Nev.)
A side view of the exterior of the Guild Theatre advertising Stanley Kubrick's "Spartacus" starring Kirk Douglas, Chas Laughton, Laurence Olivier, Peter Ustinov, Jean Simmons, and Tony Curtis. Site Name: Guild Theatre (Las Vegas, Nev.)
A side view of the exterior of the Guild Theatre advertising Stanley Kubrick's "Spartacus" starring Kirk Douglas, Chas Laughton, Laurence Olivier, Peter Ustinov, Jean Simmons, and Tony Curtis. Site Name: Guild Theatre (Las Vegas, Nev.)
The exterior of the Guild Theatre advertising Stanley Kubrick's "Spartacus" starring Kirk Douglas, Chas Laughton, Laurence Olivier, Peter Ustinov, Jean Simmons, and Tony Curtis. Site Name: Guild Theatre (Las Vegas, Nev.)