The Nevada Public Service Commission grants approval of the Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company selling water to the Pacific Fruit Company with the expressed understanding that this does not make the railroad company a public utility within the meaning of the Public Service Commission Act.
Robert Aalberts grew up in a small town called Bemidji, Minnesota. He enjoyed all kinds of outdoors sports in winter and summer. He attended school there from kindergarten through his bachelor's degree. Robert obtained his master's at the University of Missouri, and then taught geography at the University of New Orleans. After 4 years there, he decided to attend law school at Loyola University, and received his law degree in 1982. His first job out of law school was as a corporate lawyer for Gulf Oil, but after two years he decided to return to teaching. He taught at Louisiana State University in Shreveport tor seven years. While there, he published several textbooks, wrote articles for business journals, and also wrote for law reviews. Mr. Aalberts was encouraged to come to UNLV by a friend who worked here, and he got the chance to do just that in 1991. When he first arrived, there was no law school, and he taught legal environment of business, real estate law I and II, and became editor in chief of the Real Estate Law Journal in 1992. Today Robert continues to teach, write, edit, do research in the new law library, and serve on various committees. He has served in the past on promotion and tenure committees, and currently serves on a committee which seeks to improve teaching on campus. He also enjoys various sports events on campus and informal get- togethers with colleagues.