Two unidentified people walk along the grounds of the Las Vegas Ranch. [Image taken in the early 1900s]
Shows springs, Clark's Las Vegas Townsite, Buck's Addition, cemetery, and State Experimental Farm. Shows township and range lines. From the Union Pacific Collection. Written on the map: "Union Pacific System, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Co., Map showing contemplated improvements to develop the Las Vegas Ranch at Las Vegas, Nev. Scale 1" - 800" Dwg. No. 31171. Office of Asst. Chief Engr., L.A.&S.L.R.R. Los Angeles, Calif., March 9, 1926. Approved: "
The Las Vegas Ranch and Las Vegas Fort photographs depict the Las Vegas Ranch (also known as the Stewart Ranch) and the Las Vegas Fort (also known as the Old Mormon Fort) from approximately 1900 to 1940. The land around the Stewart Ranch and the Las Vegas Fort eventually became the town site for the city of Las Vegas, Nevada. The photographs include the fort, houses at the Stewart Ranch, the orchard, and Las Vegas Creek. The items described include photographic prints and negatives; items listed are photographic prints unless otherwise specified.
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Ice in the Las Vegas Creek on the Las Vegas Ranch.
Transcribed Notes: Transcribed from front of photo: "Winter scene in front yard"
Responding to complaints that water from a spring located on the Las Vegas ranch property had been contaminated, directions were given to repair and protect the spring.
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