Postcard depicting the boat landing at Hemenway Wash on Lake Mead
Transcribed Notes: Transcribed from front of postcard: "Lake Mead Boat Landing, Boulder Dam, near Boulder City, Nevada. Boulder Dam National Recreational Area"
View of McFarland Ranch from nearby mountains looking towards Pintwater Mountains.
Transcribed Notes: Transcribed from back of photo: "Pintwater Mountains in distance. The dark mass of growth are huge cottonwood and willow trees on ranch. House is hidden by trees. Taken from foothills behind ranch. McFarland Ranch - Indian Springs."
View of the McFarland Ranch pond from the kitchen of the ranch house
Transcribed Notes: Transcribed from back of photo: "The pond just outside the kitchen at the ranch. The pond is full of beautiful goldfish of all sizes and color combinations. McFarland Ranch - Indian Springs."
Showing the lean-to right next to the goldfish pond at the McFarland Ranch
Transcribed Notes: Transcribed from back of photo: McFarland's Ranch. This shows the fish pond and the 'lean to' by the house - very picturesque. I made a sketch here. Hope to work into a lithograph."
People standing near the Colorado River in Black Canyon at the start of Hoover Dam construction
Transcribed Notes: Transcribed from photo sleeve: "Group of people on the Colorado River at the south end of Black Canyon at the start of Hoover Dam construction (1931)"
Petition signed by citizens and taxpayers of the city of Las Vegas requesting the Board of City Commissioners of Las Vegas to take action to secure an adequate water supply for the residents of the Original Townsite of Las Vegas. Document lists 29 signatures and is stamped with a filing date of July 7, 1927.