Discussion about drilling a well in the railyard. References the Sund, Conley, and Buol wells.
Bracken informing Clark of Buol's attempt to appropriate water from the Las Vegas Creek for his own use.
Letter to the Nevada State Engineer refuting Buol's application for water from the Las Vegas Creek since the Las Vegas Springs were on private property and entirely appropriated on that property.
Bracken wrote to the company lawyer to find a permanent solution to a yearly problem of gate vandalism at the Stewart burial plot.
News announcement release of the Las Vegas Valley Water District's spending plans for money raised from a $8,700,000 bond issue. The list was compiled by the district consulting engineer, James M. Montgomery and included improvement projects and their estimated cost. A document which detailed the voter registration process for the bond election is referenced below.
Month by month comparison of 1935 and 1936 water usage in Las Vegas.
Discussion of forming a Moapa Valley Drainage District. Project Number: State Office 379, Clark County 38.
Prioritized list of projects and estimated costs for flood/erosion control projects in southern Nevada.
Meeting with agencies involved with flood control and those who had experienced flood damage on their property. Conducted by the Clark County Extension Service in Cooperation with Representatives of the U. S. Forest Service, Mr. Warren Murphy, Field Agent of Secretary of Agriculture, Charles F. Brannan, for the Southwest Region, Clark County Commissioners and Property Owners whose land has been damaged in this area.
Measurement of the flow from the Las Vegas Land and Water Co. wells and springs on June 14, 1935