Brenner answers call-in questions from listeners, and discusses his career experiences. Brenner talks about his career and answers questions from callers. Brenner talks about his comedy career, The Tonight Show, show business, and how he deals with fame. Also includes a recorded stage performance.
Brighton and Landes discuss their Beatles impersonation show at the Flamingo Hotel, lawsuits that impacted the Beatles, other impersonators, song writing, rap music, and their early life as musicians.
Brill discusses a car accident in which he lost a finger, depression after this accident, his move from music to comedy, his first live performance, his dispute with Merv Griffin, his acting career, his thoughts on then-current comedy and culture.
Britton elaborates in detail what it is like being a burlesque performer. She talks about her experiences of working with different artists on stage and how these experiences allowed her to immerse herself more in burlesque performances.
Brooks discusses notable musicians he hired, his experience in the El Rancho Vegas hotel and casino, his real estate career, meeting mobster Bugsy Siegel in 1942, and his relationship with the interviewer, Bill Willard.
Brooks discusses his career as a comedian, his show at the Desert Inn, health issues,his family, and religion. He also answered caller questions People called in and asked him questions such as asking about his favorite comedians and political stances. In this extended interview, that may run across multiple days, Brooks discusses a wide range of topics from comedy, music, and performing to religion, politics, getting older, and law-and-order. He also answers questions from callers. Also includes recorded stage performances.
Telephone interview. Burns discusses his career, answers questions about issues of the day, his life since the death of Gracie Allen, and his latest book. Also includes recorded stage performances.
Burton discusses his music education and development of his musical interests, his early career, and Las Vegas politics, casinos, entertainment, and UNLV sports.