"Titanic Casino Conference at Jackie Gaughan's Plaza" clip shows the "Titanic Resorts Inc" press video with Robert Goulet singing over historic images, then Goulet speaks about Stupak and the Titantic idea and sings song written by Bob Stupak; news anchors announce the event and show short clips of the event and Stupak speaking. Original media VHS, color, aspect ratio 4 x 3, frame size 720 x 486.
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Video clip used at the Las Vegas Planning Commission meeting to annouce the hotel/casino; clip opens with icebergs falling into water; then various historic clips and photographs of the Titanic on screen while Robert Goulet sings "A Cruise to Infinity" song; ends with Titantic rising back out of the ocean Original media VHS, color, aspect ratio 4 x 3, frame size 720 x 486.
Archival Component
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Archival Component
Archival Component