Includes quotations from Ken Hanlon, Jimmy Mulidore, Arno Marsh, Joe Lano, Junior League of Las Vegas Sustainers. Also included are taped interviews given to UNLV Oral History Department and articles for booklet.
Archival Collection
Junior League of Las Vegas' Records on the Morelli House Preservation Project
The Overview series contains a comprehensive overview of the Morelli House preservation project, including: chronological overviews, written histories of the project, and overall financial accounting records.
Archival Collection
Junior League of Las Vegas' Records on the Morelli House Preservation Project
The Property Development series is comprised of records regarding the Junior League of Las Vegas' efforts to restore and preserve the Whitehead House and the Morelli House. Records include the chronological acquisition of both houses, the Junior League's historic restoration and rehabilitation efforts, stewardship activities, records on funding efforts to finance the property development, and the use of the Morelli House as the Junior League's headquarters.
Archival Collection
Junior League of Las Vegas' Records on the Morelli House Preservation Project
The Morelli House public programming series is comprised of records detailing the Junior League of Las Vegas' public access and interpretative programming operations for the Morelli House as a community cultural center. Programming operations, funding, and publications records are included in this series.
Archival Collection
Junior League of Las Vegas' Records on the Morelli House Preservation Project