The press clippings series of the MGM Mirage Corporation Records dates from 1983 to 2003. The majority of these files are chronologically arranged press clippings covering all aspects of MGM Mirage. There is a substantial number of clippings about the Douglas vs. Holyfield boxing match in 1990.
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The audiovisual series of the MGM Mirage Corporation Records dates from 1982 to 2005. The series contains videotapes and audiocassettes that contain B-roll of MGM Mirage properties, press conferences from sporting events, interviews with Steve Wynn, press announcements, and training videos. This series consists of master tapes and also contains videotapes with programs that aired on local and national networks. Format types represented include VHS, U-matic, Betacam, Betacam SP, Betamax and audiocassettes.
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