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Bill Bauer worked as in EMS for the Nevada Highway Patrol and as an EMT in Stateline, Douglas County, and Austin, Nevada from 1968 to 1980. He left the NHP in 1980 to work as an EMS training coordinator in the northwest region until 1993. He continued to work in ambulances until 2010.
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Baumeister joined the Humboldt Volunteer Ambulance Corps in 1966 and received EMT training in 1975. He served in the Ambulance Corps for sixteen years.
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After receiving nursing and paramedic training in Chicago in 1973, Beilfuss moved to Las Vegas, Nevada in 1985 practiced emergency room services as Sunrise Hospital. She taught at Clark County Community College until 1996. She also served with the North Las Vegas Fire Department and the Southern Nevada Health Board, which included formulating EMS responses in Clark County.
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