Nevada State Assembly Bill 311, introduced by Assemblyman David Parks in 1999 and subsequently passed, was Nevada's version of the Federal Employment Non-Discrimination Act [ENDA]. A rally was held on the campus of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas on March 21, 1999 in support of the bill. Speakers at the rally included David Parks; Dr. Reva Anderson, the African American executive director of the LGBTQ Center of Southern Nevada; and Jane Heenan who spoke on behalf of the transgender community. This audio tape contains a short interview conducted by journalist Michael "Mike" Spadoni with Parks and Anderson which was later broadcast on the radio. Photographs of this rally and of Spadoni conducting his interview may be found in the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Special Collections Department in photograph collection no. 00263 [McBride Collection], photograph nos. 3215-3247. For a narrative history of AB 311, see Out of the Neon Closet: Queer Community in the Silver State, by Dennis McBride [North Charleston, SC: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016], pp. 168-169,267-271, 276, and 279. Also see Dennis McBride journal entry for a description of the rally.
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This is an interview of David Parks conducted by Dennis McBride for an article he wrote about Parks' terming out of the Nevada state legislature in 2020. “Senator David Parks, Champion of Equality, Ends 24 Yrs. in Legislature,” was published in the Las Vegas Spectrum, November 2020, pp. 32-35.
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This interview was conducted by Ron Lawrence with former queer LDS member Jayce Cox [1975-2013]. The interview was recorded for an article Lawrence wrote titled, "Aversion Therapy: Torture at BYU" [Las Vegas Bugle, May 12a, 2000, cover and pp. 14-17]. Jayce's testimony was also published in "Sexuality May Be Pre-Determined by Genetics," by Ron Lawrence [Las Vegas Bugle, July 20, 2001, p. 35]; and in Wilhemina Parsons' column, "Counseling Center Rumors and News," which noted that MTV was filming a segment on Jayce Cox's experience, and that the Las Vegas media "may finally be picking it up" [Las Vegas Bugle, July 20, 2001, pp. 42-43]. Cox was also quoted from this interview in Out of the Neon Closet: Queer Community in the Silver State, by Dennis McBride [North Charleston, SC: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016], pp. 106-107.
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Recording of a lecture by noted anthropologist Walter Lee Williams given at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, titled, "American Indian Societies and Sexual Variance," in which he focused on "those [Native American] societies that do not have a homophobic response to same-sex relationships." The lecture was taped as part of a recorded letter to Christie Young by an unnamed correspondent. Williams, after his retirement in 2013, was arrested and convicted in 2014 for "illicit sexual contact with boys aged 14 to 16 in the Philippines." Sentenced to five years in prison he was released in 2017. Information on Williams' career and arrest, together with correspondence to/from Dennis McBride--who brought Williams into the Nevada State Museum, Las Vegas as a volunteer while Williams was living in a halfway house in Las Vegas--may be found in MS-01099 [McBride's personal papers] deposited in the Special Collections Department of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Box 12, folders 12-14.
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