Archival Component
Archival Component
Archival Component
Additional information from donor: Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, and Sammy Davis Jr.
Archival Component
Additional information from donor: Highlights of Sinatra's 1978 concert televised on VegasPBS during its 2008 pledge drive.
Archival Component
Archival Component
Additional information from donor: Unanswered questions surrounding the gunning-down of Tupac Shakur in Las Vegas in September 1996.
Archival Component
Additional information from donor: Unique homes of Las Vegas celebrities.
Archival Component
Additional information from donor: The early part of the documentary video is missing due to the lateness of when it was recorded from the telecast.
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Additional information from donor: Vicki Lawrence hosts this show with appearances and performances by: Jack Jones, Folies Bergere, Don Rickles, and Frank Marino.
Archival Component