Franchi discusses his current work, his thoughts on aging and the natural span of life, and takes questions from callers.
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Freeman talks about his experiences as a jazz musician in Chicago and New York City, sharing stories about places and entertainers.
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Frey and Henley talk about the The Eagles reunion tour, their new album, and answer questions about the band's fourteen year hiatus and their solo careers.
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Fulson talks about his careeras a guitarist and singer-songwriter, his upbringing, military service, Blues music, and his inspirations.
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Fusco discusses his early life and interest in music, his first professional engagement, education,later professional life, and his Supreme Court case concerning intellectual property.
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Gabler first talks about the clubs and characters that inhabited 52nd Street, New York City, including "Moondog". He then recounts his move into the music business with the Commodore Record Shop and later, songwriting, producing, and publishing music.
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Gagliardi discusses his early life and interest in music, his college teaching career, the effect of advancing technology on Las Vegas, Nevada hotel performances, joining the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, and mentoring his current students.
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Gaines talks about the 1984 Olympics, reflects on the theatricality and politics that surrounded that summer Olympics, and discusses his new career as a swim coach in Las Vegas.
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Gamble-Aires talks about how music and show business intersect in the entertainment industry.
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Garcia speaks about his career as an actor, how he developed his skills, and strategies he uses to portray different characters.
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