The Caddo Company, Incorporated series (1922-1965) is comprised of twelve sub-series containing film production and corporate records.
The first two sub-series contain materials related to two films that predate the formation of The Caddo Company, Incorporated as a production company, Swell Hogan (1926) and Everybody's Acting (1926), financed by Howard Hughes. The remaining sub-series represent the nine films produced under the Caddo banner and general corporate records.
Materials within each film sub-series include advertising and publicity, administrative, censorship, distribution, editing, financial, legal, and production and direction records, as well as film soundtracks and screenplays. Types of materials include of ledgers, correspondence, storyboard images, sheet music, and original scores, as well as film, direction, set, and production stills. Corporate records consist of newspaper clippings, administrative correspondence, actor and distribution contracts, and financial reports.
The Swell Hogan sub-series (1925-1929) contains black-and-white photographic prints and negatives of direction and production stills for the film Swell Hogan (1926). The direction stills portray sets, principal and supporting cast members, and production members, while the production stills depict scenes from the film from beginning to end. Also included are correspondence, production costs, and a fire insurance policy pertaining to the film.
The Everybody's Acting sub-series (1926-1960) include black-and-white photographic prints and negatives of production stills, a continuity outline, and administrative and financial records pertaining to the film's production. The production stills portray scenes throughout the film from beginning to end. Financial records detail production costs for actors, employees, set design, and equipment. There is also correspondence from 1960 requesting to find the film's original copyright documentation.