Black and white image of several women with the following handwritten description: "Julia Russel, Grace Worrell, Olive, Wanda, our S.S. Teacher." Note: Image is from a family photo album that was loaned to UNLV Libraries Special Collections and returned to the family on July 17, 1984.
Black and white image of several people posing for a photograph. Handwritten text on the image indicates some of their names: 1. Tweed Wilson; 2. Mrs. Ball; 3. Joe McQuade; 4. Spud [Lake]: 5. Jim Wilson; 6. Olive [Lake]; 7. Wanda [Ball]; 8. Lois Ball; 9. Ada [Lake]. Note: Image is from a family photo album that was loaned to UNLV Libraries Special Collections and returned to the family on July 17, 1984.
Black and white image of a group of children and a teacher posing for a photograph outside of a wooden building. Handwritten text on the image indicates some of their names: 1. James Squires; 2. Mrs. Palmer; 3. Tom Lake; 4. Frank Ferris; 5. Ernest Lake; 6. Jessie Bishop; 7. Wanda Ball; 8. Olive Lake; 9. Julia Westlake; 10. Edith Aplin; 11. Joe McQuade. Note: Image is from a family photo album that was loaned to UNLV Libraries Special Collections and returned to the family on July 17, 1984.
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