Stardust Line live from the Stardust Race and Sports Book. Hosts Arne Lang and Jay Richards discuss baseball, football, Del Mar Derby, and special guest Mel Greb (matchmaker) who talks about boxing. Original media Audiocassette.
Full performance of the Stardust's "Enter the Night" show recorded with a live audience. Includes Dorothy Hamil ice-skating as part of the show. Original media VHS, color, aspect ratio 4 x 3, frame size 720 x 486.
"Evening Magazine" tv segment on Las Vegas showgirls. Host Jonathan Karsh appears inside a dressing room with showgirls getting ready for a perform at the Stardust Hotel. Clips of the "Enter the Night" appear on screen, with sound bites from Aki, lead showgirl at Stardust. Karsh tells about her history and journey becoming a showgirl, and Aki is shown working out at the gym and practicing at Stardust. She discusses the difference between strippers, showgirls, and dancers, and how she wants women to be inspired, not intimidated, by her performances on stage. The host also talks with Aki about studying while dancing, and how she plans to fall back on international law when she can no longer perform. Original media VHS, color, aspect ratio 4 x 3, frame size 720 x 486.