Note: Information near printer: 4/77 Restaurant: Cactus Room Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Restaurant: Cactus Room Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Restaurant: Skillet Room Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Note: Souvenir menu; "Saguaro Cactus Blossom," 1 of a set of 8 "Desert Flower" menus. Illustration on page 2 signed "Ted Sally." Page 4 includes advertisement for the hotel and space for message, address and postage stamp Menu insert: Advertisements; Music Programs Restaurant: Painted Desert Room Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Note: Souvenir menu; "Joshua Tree," 1 of a set of 8 "Desert Flower" menus. Illustration on page 2 signed "Ted Sally." Back cover includes advertisement for the hotel and spaces for message, address and postage stamp Menu insert: Advertisements; Music Programs Restaurant: Painted Desert Room Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Note: Souvenir menu; "Prickly Pear in Bloom," 1 of a set of 8 "Desert Flower" menus. Illustration on page 2 signed "Ted Sally." Page 4 includes advertisment for the hotel and space for message, address and postage stamp. List of entertainers on the program on page 2: Jimmy Durante, Eddie Jackson, Jack Roth, Jules Buffano, Jana Mason, Skeets Minton, the Donn Arden Dancers with Gloria Grey, Art Johnson, Carlton Hayes and his Orchestra Menu insert: Advertisements; Event programs Restaurant: Painted Desert Room Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Note: Souvenir menu; "Prickly Pear in Bloom," 1 of a set of 7 "Desert Flower" menus. Facsimile signature of chef at bottom of page 3. Page 4 contains advertisement for the hotel and space for message, address and postage stamp Menu insert: Advertisements Restaurant: Painted Desert Room Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Note: No date on menu Menu insert: Wine lists Restaurant: The Crystal Room Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, United States