Little discusses his career and working in show business, his childhood, being a stage manager on Broadway, working in Las Vegas, people he’s worked with both on Broadway and in Las Vegas. He also answers audience questions.
Bill Willard hosts a panel of Las Vegas lounger singers including Bob Anderson, Sam Butera, Loleatta Holloway, and Claude Trenier. The panelists discuss early casino lounges, who enjoys lounge acts, the type of music, and the business of successful lounges.
Barbutti and Mancuso about their music careers, the process of music, where it is going and where it has been, composing, rock-and-roll, the process of composition, and the lack of new talent. They also play several songs as examples.
Marshall recalls growing up, starting in show business, how he got his stage name of "Pete Marshall", and his career. He also responds to callers' questions.