Archival Component
Archival Component
Archival Component
Archival Component
Archival Component
Archival Component
Archival Component
The Local Public Document Room (LPDR) for the potential High-Level Waste Geologic Repository Site, Yucca Mountain, Nevada series (1986-2001) documents the establishment and maintenance of the LPDR at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas’s (UNLV) James R. Dickinson Library. Materials include memoranda, correspondence, handbooks, distribution lists, guides, and supporting documentation.
Archival Component
The WM-11 Nevada Nuclear Waste Storage Investigations (NNWSI) State of Nevada series (1977-1986) contains technical reports, meeting agendas and minutes, Department of Energy (DOE) research briefings, and correspondence. The collection includes materials related to Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and DOE pre-licensing activities regarding disposal of high-level nuclear waste in accordance with the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 and NRC reviews of site-by-site implementation of the DOE’s programs in accordance with the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of 1978. Materials also include NRC and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) correspondence regarding high-level waste standards, NRC topical reports reviews and related correspondence, and correspondence from citizens and non-government organizations pertaining to the above topics. See the LPDR User’s Guide available in Series I for a more detailed explanation on how to find documents.
Archival Component
The Contract documents series (1982-1989) contains high-level waste technical contract files pertaining to all three of the potential high-level waste geologic repository sites: WM-10, Basalt Waste Isolation Project (BWIP) in Richland, Washington; WM-11, Nevada Nuclear Waste Storage Investigations (NNWSI), State of Nevada; and WM-16 Repository, State of Texas. Contract files are identified by an alpha-numeric FIN (contract) number. See the LPDR User’s Guide available in Series I for a more detailed explanation on how to find documents and for a summary of each contract.
Archival Component