Part of an interview with Cora Williams by Kathlyn E. Wilson on March 11, 1975. Williams describes early housing in West Las Vegas and explains how blacks helped each other build homes despite their inability to obtain loans.
Black and white portrait photograph of Cora Williams, circa 1975.
Part of an interview with Rev. Prentiss Walker conducted by Bernard Timberg on January 27, 1974. Walker describes discrimination during Hoover Dam construction and life in Las Vegas prior to segregation.
Color portrait photograph of Stella Parson, circa 1977.
Color portrait photograph of Rev. Claude H. Parson, circa 1977.
Two audio clips from an interview with Stella and Rev. Claude H. Parson conducted by Maurice R. Page on February 26, 1977. As educators, the Parsons discuss the integration of schools in Las Vegas. In the clips, Rev. Parson discusses early housing development in West Las Vegas, church management, and equal opportunity progress.
Black and white negative of Moulin Rouge guests, dated May 26, 1955.
Color photograph of Arlone Scott in her home, dated June 3, 1978.