Black and white photograph of a scene staged at The Meadows Playhouse, featuring Ruth Brown, Donald Lane, and D. D. Cotton, circa 1970.
Program for the Memorial Celebration in Loving Memory of Ethel Dolores Cotton, including her obituary, order of service with Reverend Marion Bennett officiating, the poem "I'm Free," by Linda Jo Jackson, and special thanks from her family.
Black and white photograph of Anna Bailey dancing onstage in front of a piano player at the Paramount Theatre in New York City.
Black and white group photograph by Jay Walker of Anna Bailey with other entertainers, including Frank Sinatra, at the Dunes Hotel and Casino.
Black and white photograph of Anna Bailey and other entertainers at the Moulin Rouge, dated 1955. Top row: Anna Bailey (left); Dianna Washington (second from right); Bob Bailey (right). Bottom row: Dee Dee Jasmin (far right).
Black and white photograph of Lionel Hampton with members of the Moulin Rouge show group, dated 1955.