Black and white photograph of Clifton White, guitarist for the Mills Brothers, autographed for Clarence White, dated October 21, 1949. The photo is inscribed in black ink: "To Clarence the 'cropier' Sincerely Clif White Guitar Mills Bros 10/21/49."
Black and white photograph of Clifton White, guitarist for the Mills Brothers, autographed for his parents, dated 1953. The photograph is inscribed in green ink: "To my mommer an popper Always yo Baby Whale Clif an mah git-tah 53."
Black and white photograph of the March 1960 meeting at the Moulin Rouge Hotel Coffee Shop to end segregation on the Las Vegas Strip. City officials and NAACP members met to eliminate segregation in public accommodations and jobs and discuss calling off demonstrations on the Strip in the City of Las Vegas and Clark County, Nevada. From left to right: Woodrow Wilson (NAACP), Lubertha M. Warden Johnson, Bob Bailey (NAACP), Clesse Turner (County Commissioner), Butch W. E. Leypoldt (Sheriff), Hank Greenspun (Las Vegas Sun), Dr. James B. McMillan (President of the NAACP), Oran Gragson (Mayor), Dr. Charles I. West, Ray K. Sheffer (Chief of Police), Art Olsen (County Commissioner), possibly David Hoggard, and Donald Clark (NAACP).
Black and white photograph of the City of Las Vegas Recreation Department meeting to discuss a new program for Little League Football, circa 1956. From left to right: Dr. James McMillan, Tommy Harmon, Marcus Haynes, and Tony Durham.
Black and white photograph of most of the original members of the Valley View Golf Club, dated 1958. From left to right: Willie "Punch" Hughes, Marshall Branch, Mr. Caperton, unknown, Jonas Geran (Barber), Henry Moore, Willie Brewster, Jim Roberts, unknown, Andy Breuner, Dr. James McMillan, unknown, Lorenzo Calhoun, and Jimmy Gay.
Black and white photograph of Dr. James B. McMillan, J. David Hoggard, Herb Mills, Claude Perkins, Sarann Knight, Willie "Punch" Hughes, and Lorenzo Calhoun raising money at the NAACP Valley View Golf Club, circa 1965.